

Robotics as a sports hobby is a very exciting field. Unlike humans who play sports, robots do not get tired and need breaks. The play can be faster, more aggressive and energetic. For majority of kids, robotic sports are an avenue to interactive fun plus it adds cool points!

One of the competitions in Robotics Olympiad ‘14 is Footstick. In this competition 2 Hunos face each other in a sports arena. The rules of both football and hockey are mixed together to create a unique combination of foot and hand coordination. Objective is to score a goal like football but unlike football, you can also use a hockey stick like in hockey!

The major module of learning from this competition is visual programming. Besides, the kids can learn how to use strategies to play smart. The kids gain an opportunity to brainstorm over the attacking and defending techniques using all the available resources. Learning through observation, and understanding helps in development of analytical skills. Humanoid is a package which provides programming experience and life skills.

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